Would you like to get insights into current research projects?
Then we have the right project for you: The Leibniz LAB team visits school classes in the Hanover region with the experiment bus and shows experiments on various topics. So you can “learn to understand research” during your school days.
What is the LeibnizLAB?
With our experiment buses, we bring exciting scientific and technical experiments to schools. The aim of the visits is to use natural curiosity, to make scientific phenomena tangible and tangible and thus to inspire enthusiasm for science and technology!
Who is the LeibnizLAB aimed at?
The LeibnizLAB offer is aimed at schools in and around the Hanover region.
In addition to supplementing lessons, the LeibnizLAB is also ideal for project weeks or similar events as part of school activities.
What do you do at LeibnizLABs?
The LeibnizLAB brings exciting scientific experiments from the MINT subjects directly into the classroom. You can experiment independently and get to know scientific work at an early stage.

30167 Hannover